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Abase and its meaning

“Abase” means to insult or degrade someone, and it is commonly used in English. If you are looking for the meaning of “Abase” in Hindi, you can find all the information about this word here.

Abase Meaning in Hindi

Hindi meaning: Apamaanit Karna, Beijjat Karna, Anaadar Karna

​Pronunciation with Meaning






Apamaanit Karna

Definition of Abase 

“अपमानित करना” (abase) means to depreciate, insult, mortify, demean, or slight someone. It is used to indicate a sense of dishonor or disrespect towards someone. Similarly, “मानहानि करना” (defaming, abase) is another term used to describe the act of demeaning or insulting someone. “अनादर करना” (abase, undervalue, derogate, make a long nose, Dishonour, Flout) is used to indicate disrespect or dishonor towards someone, often by devaluing their worth or importance. Lastly, “अपकर्ष करना” (abase) means to belittle or degrade someone, while “तिरस्कृत करना” (cut the comb of, abase) implies an act of insult or disrespect.

Sentenses of Abase

Here are some sentences using the word “abase” in both Hindi and English:

  1. She refused to abase herself by begging for forgiveness. उसने माफी मांगकर अपना अभिमान नहीं घटाया।

  2. The manager’s harsh words were meant to abase him in front of his colleagues. प्रबंधक के कठोर शब्दों का उद्देश्य उसे अपने सहयोगियों के सामने अपमानित करना था।

  3. He felt deeply abased when his proposal was rejected in front of everyone. जब उसका प्रस्ताव सभी के सामने खारिज किया गया, तो उसे गहरी अपमानित महसूस हुआ।

  4. The principal’s decision to publicly abase the student was widely criticized. प्रधानाचार्य का निर्णय छात्र को सार्वजनिक रूप से अपमानित करने का व्यापक विरोध किया गया।

  5. Despite his efforts to abase her, she remained confident and unaffected. उसके उसके अपमानित करने के प्रयासों के बावजूद, वह आत्मविश्वासी और प्रभावित रही।

Information About “Abase”

Abase meaning in hindi : is Apmaanit Karna .

अबेस की अंग्रेजी परिभाषा: संयम या नियंत्रण की कमी की गुणवत्ता; नियंत्रण या चिंता से मुक्ति की बेहद उत्साही और अविचलित अवस्था; उसने बेफिक्री से नाचा।


English definition of Abase: the trait of lacking restraint or control; reckless freedom from inhibition or worry; she danced with abandon

People may ask

How do you use abase in a sentence?
  1. In order to abase those who refuse, one must be cautious in their approach.
  2. Don’t abase your friend by making fun of his accent; it’s important to be respectful.
  3. We should not abase ourselves in front of anyone, as self-respect is crucial.
  4. The Rahul refused to abase himself in front of his fellow classmates, maintaining his dignity.
What is the opposite of abase?

Antonyms: promote, exalt, honor, raise, elevate, dignify, aggrandize.

What is the synonym of abase?

Synonyms: degrade, disgrace, bring low, reduce, humble, demean.

What does abase mean in the Bible?

In the Bible, if you abase another person, you are bringing them low, humbling them in a mean, base manner. It is not considered a kind or respectful act.

What does abase mean?

Abase means to reduce or lower, as in rank, office, reputation, or estimation.