Accomplish in a Sentence, Meaning, and Synonyms with Examples
Sum up in one sentence: Understand the full meaning of the word “Accomplish” along with its synonyms, as it signifies the successful completion or fulfillment of a task.
1. Accomplish Synonyms
Here are alternative terms for “accomplishing” and synonyms:
- Fulfill
- Achieve
- Succeed in
- Realize
- Attain
- Manage
- Carry off
- Bring about
- Bring off
- Carry out
- Carry through
- Execute
- Conduct
- Effect
- Fix
- Engineer
- Perform
- Do
- Perpetrate
- Discharge
- Complete
- Finish
- Consummate
- Conclude
- Effectuate
2. Accomplish meaning in a Sentence
How can you incorporate “accomplish” into a sentence? Here are some sentences I’ve crafted for you. The definition of accomplishing is to complete something or bring it to a finish.
- I can achieve anything if I have faith in myself.
- You need to accomplish things on your own.
- You can achieve everything; you just need to believe in yourself.
- To accomplish significant goals in life, it’s crucial not only to think but also to take action.
- Accomplishing great things requires not only completing tasks but also cultivating a good personality.
- Do you believe you can accomplish anything?
- What are your thoughts on achieving your assigned task?
- Reaching your target is the key to accomplishing anything.
- I don’t want to accomplish much more.
- She fails to accomplish anything.
- What is the meaning of accomplishing?
- Why is it important to use the term “accomplish”? Please provide an answer.
- That’s why I wasn’t able to accomplish his work.
- Sara has the potential to accomplish tasks, but her health is not good.
3. What is another word for accomplish?
Alternate terms for accomplishing include achieving, finishing, concluding, and succeeding. Additional synonyms are listed in the paragraph above.
4. Accomplish meaning in Hindi, urdu and Tamil?
The Hindi interpretation of accomplished is to complete a task, expressed as “Kisi Kaam Ko Khatam Karna.”
In Urdu, the accomplish meaning is “پورا.”
Accomplished translates to சாதிக்க in Tamil.
The French equivalent of accomplish is “accomplir.”
In Portuguese, accomplish is rendered as concluir.
In Telugu, the term is expressed as సాధించు.
These interpretations provide the meaning of accomplish in a sentence or offer synonyms. Feel free to comment below if you have any questions or suggestions. Thank you for visiting!