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Action Verbs

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200+ Action Verbs in English with Pictures

Are you in search of a comprehensive list of action verbs in English, complete with pictures? Below, we have compiled a table containing over two hundred action verbs for easy understanding and readability. You can also download the pictures to your device for offline viewing. This resource is highly beneficial for kindergarten students as well as those preparing to improve their English speaking skills.

Action Verbs

Action verbs are words that denote an action or a state of being. They describe the actions or activities of individuals or things. These verbs convey a sense of movement, activity, or change. Examples of action verbs include “run,” “jump,” “swim,” “climb,” “write,” “read,” “speak,” and “listen.”


Action VerbsDefinition
RunTo move quickly on foot
JumpTo propel oneself upwards
SwimTo move through water using limbs
ClimbTo ascend or move up
WriteTo mark letters or words on a surface
ReadTo look at and comprehend written words
SpeakTo communicate verbally
ListenTo hear and pay attention to sound
EatTo consume food
DrinkTo consume liquid
SleepTo rest with eyes closed and mind relaxed
DanceTo move rhythmically to music
SingTo produce musical sounds with the voice
PlayTo engage in an activity for enjoyment
WorkTo engage in physical or mental activity for a purpose
StudyTo acquire knowledge through learning
ExerciseTo engage in physical activity to improve health
CookTo prepare food by heating
CleanTo remove dirt or impurities
DriveTo operate and control a vehicle
FlyTo move through the air using wings
SwimTo move through water using limbs
ShopTo visit stores to purchase goods
TravelTo go from one place to another
PaintTo apply color to a surface
BuildTo construct or make something
PlantTo place seeds or plants in the ground
HarvestTo gather crops or resources
HuntTo pursue and capture or kill wild animals
FishTo catch fish as a leisure activity or for food
ReadTo look at and comprehend written words
WriteTo mark letters or words on a surface
Action Verbs with Sentences
Action VerbExample Sentence
AchieveShe achieved her goal.
AdaptHe adapted quickly to the new environment.
AddressThe president addressed the nation.
AdministerNurses administer medication to patients.
AdmireI admire her courage.
AdmitHe admitted his mistake.
AdoptThey decided to adopt a child.
AdvanceThe army advanced towards the enemy.
AdviseShe advised him to study harder.
AidThe Red Cross provides aid to disaster victims.
AlertBe alert for any suspicious activity.
AlignThe pictures need to align properly.
AllocateThey allocated funds for the project.
AnalyzeThe scientist analyzed the data.
AnnounceThe company announced a new product.
AnticipateI anticipate a great outcome.
ApplyYou need to apply for a visa.
AppointThey appointed him as the new manager.
AppreciateI appreciate your help.
ApproveThe committee approved the plan.
ArrangeShe arranged the books on the shelf.
AssembleThey assembled the furniture.
AssessThe teacher assessed the students’ work.
AssignThe teacher assigned homework.
AssistCan you assist me with this project?
AssumeLet’s assume he will be here on time.
AttachPlease attach the files to the email.
AttendWill you attend the meeting tomorrow?
AttractThe colorful flowers attract bees.
AuditThe accountant audited the company’s finances.
AvoidTry to avoid conflicts.
BalanceShe balanced the books.
BargainHe bargained for a lower price.
BreatheTake a deep breath.
BuildThey built a new house.
CalculateCan you calculate the total?
CaptureThe photographer captured a beautiful sunset.
CareShe cares deeply about the environment.
CarryCan you carry this box for me?
CelebrateWe celebrate birthdays with a party.
ChallengeThe task challenged her abilities.
ChangeChange your clothes before dinner.
ChargeThe police charged him with theft.
CheckCan you check the temperature?
CheerThe crowd cheered for their team.
ChooseChoose your words carefully.
ClarifyPlease clarify your question.
CleanShe cleaned the house thoroughly.
ClearHe cleared the table after dinner.
ClimbThey climbed to the top of the mountain.
ClosePlease close the door behind you.
CoachThe coach trained the team for the match.
CollectHe collects stamps as a hobby.
ColorShe colored the picture with crayons.
CombineCombine the ingredients in a bowl.
ComeCome here and see this.
ComfortShe comforted him when he was sad.
CommandThe general commanded his troops.
CommitHe committed himself to the project.
CommunicateIt’s important to communicate clearly.
CompareCan you compare these two products?
CompeteThey compete in a race.
CompileShe compiled a list of all the names.
CompleteHave you completed your homework?
ComposeShe composed a beautiful song.
ComputeThe computer computes the data quickly.
ConcludeWe concluded that the plan was not feasible.
ConfrontHe confronted his fears.
ConnectThe wires connect to the power source.
ConsiderPlease consider my proposal.
ConstructThey constructed a new building.
ConsultI need to consult with my lawyer.
ConsumeHe consumed a large amount of food.
ContactPlease contact me if you need any help.
ContainThe box contains all the necessary items.
ContinueCan we continue this discussion later?
ControlShe tried to control her anger.
ContributeEveryone should contribute to the project.
ConverseThey converse in Spanish.
ConvinceHe convinced her to join the team.
CookShe cooked dinner for her family.
CooperateWe need to cooperate to succeed.
CoordinateThey coordinated their outfits for the party.
CopyCan you copy this document for me?
CorrectPlease correct the spelling errors.
CounselThe lawyer counseled his client.
CountCan you count to ten?
CoverHe covered his head with a hat.
CreateShe created a beautiful painting.
CriticizeHe criticized her work harshly.
CrossHe crossed the street carefully.
CrushThe machine crushes the rocks into gravel.
CryShe cried when she heard the news.
CultivateThey cultivate crops in the field.
CureThe medicine cured his illness.
CurlShe curled her hair with a curling iron.
CurveThe road curves to the left.
CutHe cut the paper with scissors.
DanceThey danced all night at the party.
DareI dare you to jump over the fence.
DealCan you deal with this problem?
DecideHave you decided where to go?
DeclareHe declared his love for her.
DecorateShe decorated the room for the party.
DedicateThey dedicated the monument to the fallen soldiers.
DefendHe defended his thesis successfully.
DefineCan you define this word for me?
DelayDon’t delay, we need to leave now.
DeliverThe courier will deliver the package tomorrow.
DemandHe demanded an explanation for the delay.
DemonstrateShe demonstrated how to use the software.
DependOur success depends on your support.
DescribeCan you describe the suspect?
DesignShe designed the logo for the company.
DesireHe desires to travel the world.
DestroyThe hurricane destroyed the town.
DetermineShe determined the cause of the problem.
DevelopThey developed a new product.
DevoteShe devoted her life to helping others.

He dug a hole in the ground