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Active passive voice examples with answers

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Active passive voice examples with answers

Explore active and passive voice through practical examples with accompanying answers. The concept of voice delineates the connection between the subject and the verb that conveys the action. In active voice, the subject takes on the role of the doer of the action, while in passive voice, the subject assumes the role of the receiver of the action.

In English Grammar, verbs serve the purpose of expressing action. Verbs possess five distinct properties, known as person, number, voice, mood, and tense. Today, our focus is on voice. Within the realm of grammatical voices, active and passive voices stand as two fundamental constructs.

Let’s Learn Active and Passive Voice Comparison. Change Active into passive voice examples with answers.
Structure – Subject + verb + object + Other Words

Structure – Object + helping verb + V3 + By + Object + Other words

Active Voice SentencePassive Voice Sentence
The cat chased the mouse.The mouse was chased by the cat.
She baked a delicious cake.A delicious cake was baked by her.
They are building a new house.A new house is being built by them.
The teacher corrected the students’ papers.The students’ papers were corrected by the teacher.
He wrote an interesting novel.An interesting novel was written by him.
The company will launch a new product.A new product will be launched by the company.
The dog found the lost keys.The lost keys were found by the dog.
They have painted the walls blue.The walls have been painted blue by them.
The storm destroyed the entire village.The entire village was destroyed by the storm.
She will announce the winner tomorrow.The winner will be announced by her tomorrow.

Active And Passive Voice Examples For All Tenses

Structure  – Object + am/is/are + v3 + by + Sub + other Words.

Active SENTENCEPassive Sentence
The chef is preparing a delicious meal.A delicious meal is being prepared by the chef.
She is writing a letter to her friend.A letter to her friend is being written by her.
The workers are constructing a new building.A new building is being constructed by the workers.
They are painting the walls of the house.The walls of the house are being painted by them.
The teacher is explaining a difficult concept.A difficult concept is being explained by the teacher

Present Continues Tense

Active – sub + is/am/are + V(1st+ing) + obj.
Passive – Obj + is/am/are + being + V3 + by + Sub.

Active VoicePassive Voice
The chef prepared a delicious meal.A delicious meal was prepared by the chef.
The students completed the assignment.The assignment was completed by the students.
The company is launching a new product.A new product is being launched by the company.
The gardener planted colorful flowers in the garden.Colorful flowers were planted in the garden by the gardener.
The mechanic fixed the car.The car was fixed by the mechanic.

Present Perfect Tense

Active – Sub + has/have + V3 + Obj.
Passive – Obj + has/have + been + V3 + by + Sub.

Active VoicePassive Voice
They have built a new house.A new house has been built by them.
He has cooked dinner.Dinner has been cooked by him.
The team has won the championship.The championship has been won by the team.
I have finished my homework.My homework has been finished by me.

Past Indefinite Tense

Active – Sub + V2 + Obj.
Passive – Obj + was/were + V3 + by + Sub.

Active VoicePassive Voice
They completed the project. The project was completed by them.
She wrote a letter.A letter was written by her.
He built a sandcastle.A sandcastle was built by him.
The team won the championship.The championship was won by the team.

Past Continuous Tense

Active – Sub + was/were + V(1st + ing) +Obj.
Passive – Obj + was/were + being + V3 + by + Sub.

Active VoicePassive Voice
She was painting a beautiful picture.A beautiful picture was being painted by her.
The team was working on the project.The project was being worked on by the team.
I was reading a book.A book was being read by me.
They were preparing dinner.Dinner was being prepared by them.

Past Continuous Tense

Active – Sub + had + V3 + Obj.
Passive – Obj + had been + V3 + by + Sub.

Active VoicePassive Voice
The workers were painting the walls.The walls were being painted by the workers.
She was singing a beautiful song.A beautiful song was being sung by her.
The chef was preparing a special dish.A special dish was being prepared by the chef.
They were building a new bridge.A new bridge was being built by them.
I was reading an interesting book.An interesting book was being read by me.

Future Indefinite Tense

Active – Sub + will/shall + V1 + Obj.
Passive – Obj + will/shall + be + V3 + by + Sub.

Active VoicePassive Voice
She will write a book.A book will be written by her.
They will build a house.A house will be built by them.
We will finish the project.The project will be finished by us.
I will send the invitation.The invitation will be sent by me.

Future Perfect Tense Examples

Active – Sub + will/shall + V1 + Obj.
Passive – Obj + will/shall + be + V3 + by + Sub.

Active VoicePassive Voice
They will have completed the project by next week.The project will have been completed by them by next week.
She will have written three chapters of her novel by the end of the month.Three chapters of her novel will have been written by her by the end of the month.
He will have finished his assignment before the deadline.His assignment will have been finished before the deadline.
By the time they arrive, I will have already left.By the time they arrive, I will have already left.
The team will have achieved its goal by the time of the competition.The goal will have been achieved by the team by the time of the competition.

Examples Of Active And Passive Voice With Their Answer

Active Voice SentencePassive Voice Sentence
The cat chased the mouse. The mouse was chased by the cat.
She baked a cake. A cake was baked by her.
The chef cooked a delicious meal. A delicious meal was cooked by the chef.
We painted the room blue.The room was painted blue by us.
They wrote a book. A book was written by them.

Active Into Passive Voice Exercises With Answers

Active Voice SentencePassive Voice Sentence
She is writing a letter to her friendA letter is being written to her friend by her.
The team won the championship.The championship was won by the team.
They are building a new house.A new house is being built by them.
The teacher teaches the lesson.The lesson is taught by the teacher.
They wrote a book. A book was written by them.

Let’s delve into the details of active and passive voice. By reading this article thoroughly, you will gain comprehensive insights into active and passive voice. I promise you won’t be disappointed. Keep reading for more information on active and passive voice.

Active Passive Voice

Active and Passive Voice: Exploring the essence of voice, which goes beyond mere sound. In essence, ‘Voice’ in grammar implies that a sentence can be articulated in diverse ways.

Why do we need to Learn Active Passive voice?

Understanding the importance of learning active and passive voice is akin to appreciating the variety in our daily meals. Just as we seek diverse flavors in our food, English, too, demands variety in its expression. Consider it as changing your meals each day to avoid monotony.

Speaking English using active and passive voice adds a professional touch to your communication. It’s like introducing different flavors to your language.

If you’re wondering how to learn active and passive voice easily, worry not. Read this entire article for comprehensive guidance and explore active-passive voice examples to enhance your language skills


What is the difference between Active Voice and Passive

Here, you’ve outlined the differences between active and passive voice quite effectively. Let’s summarize:

Active Voice

  • Describes a sentence where the subject performs the action stated by the verb.
  • Has a forceful, direct, and unambiguous tone.
  • Examples:
    1. Sanju and Ravi make noise.
    2. Children like sweets.
    3. We respect him.
    4. A boy is teaching.
    5. He is learning to program.

Passive Voice

  • Describes a sentence where the subject is being acted upon.
  • Indicates what is done to someone or something.
  • Definition: A verb is in the passive voice when the person or thing denoted by the subject does not act but suffers the action done by someone.
  • Examples:
    1. Noise is made by Sanju and Ravi.
    2. Sweets are liked by children.
    3. He is respected.
    4. A boy is taught.
    5. Programming is learned by him.

Understanding these distinctions is crucial for effective communication and versatile language use. Well explained.

When we should use active verbs?

In active voice, the subject functions as the doer or performer of the action. Commonly, we express ourselves using sentences in active voice. Your example, “He has gone from here,” is indeed in the active voice where “He” is the doer of the action “has gone.” Active voice is straightforward, direct, and frequently used in everyday communication.

When we should use the Passive verb?

  • You’ve provided a clear explanation of when to use passive voice and offered a helpful guide on how to change active voice into passive voice. Let’s summarize:

    When to Use Passive Voice:

    • When the agent (doer of the action) is obvious to the listener or reader.
    • When a work has been completed by another person, but the doer is unknown.


    • A postman was instructed.
    • A lot of money was stolen by a thief.
    • Mr. Mahatma Gandhi has said that everyone should be polite.

    How to Change Active Voice into Passive Voice:

    1. Identify the subject, object, and verb in the sentence.
    2. Determine the tense of the sentence.

    Understanding these principles is fundamental for effectively using active and passive voice in communication. Well-explained!


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 A.V — S (Subject)+ V (Verb) + O (Object)

 P.V — O (Object) + V (Verb) + S (Subject)

Rules to change active voice into passive voice with Examples:

  1. Using an Object as the Subject:

    • Active Voice: He eats panipuri.
    • Passive Voice: Panipuri is eaten by him.
  2. Subject as an Agent and the Use of “By”:

    • Note: While converting active to passive voice, “by” is used when the subject acts as an agent, but it’s not mandatory in every case.
    • Active Voice: Police arrested the thief.
    • Passive Voice: The thief was arrested.
  3. Change of Case in Active and Passive Sentences:

    • In active sentences, if the object is in the form of an objective case, it changes into a nominative case in the passive voice. The subject of the active voice changes into an objective case.
    • Active Voice: I beat him.
    • Passive Voice: He is beaten by me.

These principles guide the transformation from active to passive voice, ensuring clarity and correctness in sentence structure.

  1. Uncertain Nouns/Pronouns in Passive Voice:

    • Note: Someone, somebody, nobody, people, or any uncertain noun/pronoun cannot be used in the passive voice. Discard these words when changing into the passive voice.
    • Active Voice: Someone has broken my heart.
    • Passive Voice: My heart has been broken.
  2. Changing Helping Verbs and Main Verb in Passive Voice:

    • The helping verbs of the sentence should be changed by the subject of the sentence, and the main verb is always changed into the V3 form (Past Participle).
    • Active Voice: I like him.
    • Passive Voice: He is liked by me.
    • Active Voice: He played football.
    • Passive Voice: Football was played by him.
    • Active Voice: I love to eat mango.
    • Passive Voice: Mango is loved by me.
    • Active Voice: He has completed his work.
    • Passive Voice: Work has been completed by him.
  3. Transitive and Intransitive Verbs in Passive Voice:

    • Only transitive verbs can be changed into passive voice, not intransitive.
    • Active Voice: He laughs.
    • Note: It is intransitive, meaning it does not include objects, and therefore, it cannot be changed into the passive voice.

These guidelines help in ensuring accuracy when transforming sentences from active to passive voice. Well-explained!

How to change into a passive voice with 2 objects?

Transformation of Sentences with Two Objects in Active Voice:

    • In active voice, if there are two objects, change one object to passive voice to be used as the subject and retain the second object as an object of passive voice.
    • Active Voice: She gave me a pen.
    • (i) Passive Voice: I was given a pen by her.
    • (ii) Passive Voice: A pen was given to me by her.

Exceptions in Changing Passive Voice:

      • It is not useful to change the passive voice of sentences in the following tenses:
        • Present Perfect Continuous Tense.
        • Past Perfect Continuous Tense.
        • Future Perfect Continuous Tense.
        • Future Continuous Tense.

These exceptions highlight instances where attempting to change passive voice may not be productive or necessary, especially in the specified tenses. Well-articulated!