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50+ Animals Name in English with Pictures

Are you in search of English animal names? The world is home to a diverse array of animals, and after extensive internet research, I’ve gathered special information for you. Additionally, I’ve provided a list of 100 animal names in English, complete with pictures for easy comprehension.

You can download this list of animals with pictures, encompassing wild animals, pet animals, domestic animals, insects, amphibians, and more. Let’s get started!

Types of Animals:

Classification of Animals by Habitat:

  • Wild Animals
  • Pet Animals
  • Mammals
  • Domestic Animals
  • Insects
  • Amphibians
  • Reptiles
  • Sea Animals
  • Birds
  • Dinosaur names with Pictures

Wild Animals Name In English

Wild animals flourish in their natural habitats, like forests. These creatures sustain themselves through independent means, be it hunting, fishing, or foraging for herbs and vegetables within the forest.

  • Buffalo
  • Kangaroo
  • Sheep
  • Viper
  • Jackal
  • Horse
  • Jaguar
  • Lion
  • Elephant
  • Mouse
  • Hippopotamus
  • Cheetah
  • Bear
  • Alligator
  • Zebra
  • Crocodile
  • Snake
  • Giraffe
  • Gorilla  
  • Penguin
  • Giraffe
  • Gorilla
  • Penguin
  • Koala
  • Panda
  • Octopus
  • Chimpanzee
  • Rhinoceros
  • Dolphin
  • Ostrich
  • Koala
  • Panda
  • Octopus
  • Chimpanzee
  • Rhinoceros
  • Dolphin
  • Ostrich

Pet Animals Animals Name In English

Household pets are regarded as integral family members, residing within the homes of their owners. They form enduring connections with their caregivers. These animals, whether herbivores or omnivores, consume a variety of foods, including meat, raw vegetables, and other ingredients. People keep them for companionship and the joy they bring into their lives.

  • Turtle
  • Cat
  • Horse
  • Pig
  • Cow
  • Hamster
  • Dog
  • Fish
  • Rat
  • Parrot
  • Cock
  • Duck

Mammals animals Name

Mammals are warm-blooded vertebrates belonging to the class Mammalia, sharing common characteristics. For instance, they are classified under the Kingdom Animalia and possess hair or fur covering their bodies. Mammary glands, exclusive to females, release milk to nourish their offspring. The majority of mammals give birth to live young, marking a distinctive trait within this diverse group of animals.

  • Sheep
  • Monkey
  • Mare
  • Pig
  • Deer
  • Cat
  • Dog
  • Elephant
  • Goat
  • She-Cheetah
  • Cow
  • Panda

Domestic Animals Names in English

Domestic animals are generally gentle creatures, easily manageable, and quite affectionate, making them lovable companions. Here is a list of 12 domestic animals with pictures:

  1. Dog
  2. Cat
  3. Cow
  4. Goat
  5. Horse
  6. Rabbit
  7. Chicken
  8. Duck
  9. Pig
  10. Sheep
  11. Guinea Pig
  12. Parrot

These animals are commonly kept by people for various purposes, including companionship, work, or as pets.

Farms animals name with Picture

Animals raised on farms for the production of meat, dairy products, or to aid farmers are referred to as farm animals. These animals are specifically bred and kept for agricultural purposes, and they include cows, chickens, pigs, geese, and various other species.

  • duck
  • fish
  • horse
  • pig
  • cat
  • dog
  • pig
  • goat
  • sheep
  • cow
  • hen

Sea animals Name

Sea animals are living organisms that inhabit the underwater realms of the sea or seas. These creatures are commonly referred to as marine creatures or marine animals.

  • Clown Fish
  • Shark
  • Sea Horse
  • Clam
  • Piranha Fish
  • Octopus
  • Star fish
  • Hammer shark
  • Prawns
  • Killer whale
  • Sea lion
  • Crab

Dinosaur names and pictures

It seems like your message got cut off. If you intended to provide a list of dinosaurs with pictures and information, please go ahead and share it, or if you have any specific questions about dinosaurs, feel free to ask!

  • Graciliceratops
  • Plesiosaurus
  • Spinosaurus
  • Plesiosaurus
  • Pterandon
  • Stegosaurus
  • Hyopsilophodon
  • Anchiceratops
  • Melanorosaurus
  • Albertaceratops
  • Tuojiangosaurus
  • Tyrannosaurus Rex

300+ List of Animals Names A to Z

  1. Aardvark
  2. Alligator
  3. Alpaca
  4. Ant
  5. Anteater
  6. Antelope
  7. Armadillo
  8. Baboon
  9. Badger
  10. Barracuda
  11. Bat
  12. Bear
  13. Beaver
  14. Bee
  15. Beetle
  16. Bengal Tiger
  17. Bison
  18. Black Marlin
  19. Blue Jay
  20. Booby
  21. Bonito Fish
  22. Booby
  23. Budgerigar
  24. Buffalo
  25. Bull
  26. Butterfly
  27. Camel
  28. Capybara
  29. Caracal
  30. Carp
  31. Cassowary
  32. Cat
  33. Caterpillar
  34. Chameleon
  35. Cheetah
  36. Chick
  37. Chimpanzee
  38. Chinook Salmon
  39. Cichlid Fish
  40. Clownfish
  41. Cockroach
  42. Coelacanth Fish
  43. Collared Peccary
  44. Cougar
  45. Cow
  46. Coyote
  47. Crab
  48. Cricket
  49. Crocodile
  50. Cuckoo
  51. Dalmatian
  52. Deer
  53. Dhole
  54. Dingo
  55. Dodo
  56. Dolphin
  57. Donkey
  58. Dormouse
  59. Dragonfly
  60. Duck
  61. Dung Beetle
  62. Eagle
  63. Earthworm
  64. Echidna
  65. Edible Frog
  66. Eel
  67. Elephant
  68. Emu
  69. Ermine
  70. Falcon
  71. Ferret
  72. Fin Whale
  73. Fire-Bellied Toad
  74. Fish
  75. Flamingo
  76. Flatworm
  77. Flea
  78. Fly
  79. Flying Squirrel
  80. Fox
  81. Frog
  82. Galapagos Penguin
  83. Galapagos Tortoise
  84. Gar
  85. Gecko
  86. Gentoo Penguin
  87. Gerbil
  88. Giant Clam
  89. Gibbon
  90. Gila Monster
  91. Giraffe
  92. Glass Lizard
  93. Glow Worm
  94. Gnat
  95. Goat
  96. Golden Lion Tamarin
  97. Golden Oriole
  98. Gorilla
  99. Grasshopper
  100. Great Dane
  101. Great White Shark
  102. Green Bee-Eater
  103. Greenland Dog
  104. Grey Mouse Lemur
  105. Grey Reef Shark
  106. Grey Seal
  107. Greyhound
  108. Griffin
  109. Grizzly Bear
  110. Groundhog
  111. Grouse
  112. Guinea Fowl
  113. Guinea Pig
  114. Guppy
  115. Hammerhead Shark
  116. Hamster
  117. Hare
  118. Harpy Eagle
  119. Havanese
  120. Hedgehog
  121. Hercules Beetle
  122. Hermit Crab
  123. Heron
  124. Highland Cattle
  125. Himalayan
  126. Hippopotamus
  127. Honey Bee
  128. Horn Shark
  129. Horned Frog
  130. Horse
  131. Horseshoe Crab
  132. Howler Monkey
  133. Human
  134. Humboldt Penguin
  135. Hummingbird
  136. Humpback Whale
  137. Hyena
  138. Ibis
  139. Ibizan Hound
  140. Iguana
  141. Impala
  142. Indri
  143. Insect
  144. Irish Setter
  145. Irish Wolfhound
  146. Jack Russell
  147. Japanese Chin
  148. Japanese Macaque
  149. Jellyfish
  150. Jerboa
  151. Kangaroo
  152. King Crab
  153. King Penguin
  154. Kingfisher
  155. Kiwi
  156. Koala
  157. Komodo Dragon
  158. Krill
  159. Kudu
  160. Labradoodle
  161. Ladybug
  162. Lemming
  163. Lemur
  164. Leopard
  165. Liger
  166. Lion
  167. Lionfish
  168. Little Penguin
  169. Lizard
  170. Llama
  171. Lobster
  172. Long-Eared Owl
  173. Lynx
  174. Macaroni Penguin
  175. Macaw
  176. Magpie
  177. Maine Coon
  178. Malayan Civet
  179. Malayan Tiger
  180. Maltese
  181. Manatee
  182. Mandrill
  183. Manta Ray
  184. Margay
  185. Markhor
  186. Marsh Frog
  187. Mastiff
  188. Mayfly
  189. Meerkat
  190. Millipede
  191. Minke Whale
  192. Mole
  193. Molly
  194. Mongoose
  195. Mongrel
  196. Monitor Lizard
  197. Monkey
  198. Monty
  199. Moth
  200. Mountain Gorilla
  201. Mountain Lion
  202. Mouse
  203. Mule
  204. Neanderthal
  205. Nebelung
  206. Nematode
  207. Newfoundland
  208. Newfypoo
  209. Newt
  210. Nicator
  211. Nigerian Goat
  212. Nudibranch
  213. Numbat
  214. Nudibranch
  215. Nuthatch
  216. Ocicat
  217. Ocelot
  218. Octopus
  219. Okapi
  220. Old English Sheepdog
  221. Olm
  222. Opossum
  223. Orangutan
  224. Ori Pei
  225. Ostrich
  226. Otter
  227. Oyster
  228. Pademelon
  229. Paddlefish
  230. Painted Turtle
  231. Panther
  232. Parrot
  233. Pekingese
  234. Pelican
  235. Penguin
  236. Persian
  237. Pheasant
  238. Pied Tamarin
  239. Pig
  240. Pika
  241. Pike Fish
  242. Pink Fairy Armadillo
  243. Piranha
  244. Poodle
  245. Porcupine
  246. Portuguese Water Dog
  247. Prairie Dog
  248. Prawn
  249. Puffin
  250. Pug
  251. Puma
  252. Purple Emperor Butterfly
  253. Puss Moth
  254. Pygmy Hippopotamus
  255. Pygmy Marmoset
  256. Quail
  257. Quetzal
  258. Quokka
  259. Quoll
  260. Rabbit
  261. Raccoon
  262. Ragdoll
  263. Rat
  264. Rattlesnake
  265. Red Panda
  266. Red Wolf
  267. Reindeer
  268. Reticulated Python
  269. Rottweiler
  270. Russian Blue (Cat)
  271. Sable
  272. Saola
  273. Savannah Cat
  274. Scorpion
  275. Scottish Fold (Cat)
  276. Sea Lion
  277. Sea Otter
  278. Sea Slug
  279. Sea Squirt
  280. Seahorse
  281. Seal
  282. Serval
  283. Sheepdog
  284. Shih Tzu
  285. Siamese Cat
  286. Siberian Husky
  287. Silver Dollar Fish
  288. Skunk
  289. Sloth
  290. Snail
  291. Snake
  292. Snow Leopard
  293. Snowshoe
  294. Somali
  295. Spoonbill
  296. Squid
  297. Squirrel
  298. Stingray
  299. Swallow
  300. Tamarin


I’m glad you found the information helpful! If you have any more questions or if there’s anything else I can help you with, feel free to ask. Enjoy exploring the fascinating world of animals!