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Fraught meaning in Hindi

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Understanding the Meaning of "Fraught"

The word “fraught” is used to describe a situation or event that is filled with or likely to result in something undesirable or negative. It conveys a sense of tension, difficulty, or anxiety.

Usage in Sentences

  1. The negotiations were fraught with challenges from the start.
  2. Her decision to quit her job was fraught with uncertainty about the future.
  3. The relationship between the two countries has been fraught with conflict for decades.
FraughtFilled withEmpty
 Laden withVoid
 Full ofDevoid of
 Rife withFree from


Origin of the Word

The word “fraught” originated from Middle English and Old English, where it meant “laden” or “cargo-laden.” Over time, its meaning evolved to include a broader sense of being filled with something, often something negative or undesirable.

Usage Note

While “fraught” is commonly used in written and formal contexts, it may not be as frequently used in everyday conversation. It is more likely to be found in literature, news articles, and formal speeches.

Fraught meaning in Hindi

The word “fraught” can be translated to Hindi as “भरा हुआ” (bhara hua), which means filled or laden with something, often with negative implications. It can also be translated as “चिंतित” (chintit), which means worried or anxious. The exact translation can depend on the context in which the word is used.

let’s delve deeper into the meanings of “fraught” in English and its Hindi translations:

  1. Filled or Laden with Something:

    • In English, “fraught” is often used to describe a situation or atmosphere that is filled or loaded with something, usually implying that it is filled with difficulty, tension, or complexity.
    • Example: “The negotiations were fraught with challenges.”
  2. Worried or Anxious:

    • “Fraught” can also express a sense of worry or anxiety about a situation.
    • Example: “She felt fraught with concern about the upcoming exams.”

In Hindi:

The translation “भरा हुआ” (bhara hua) aligns with the idea of being filled or laden with something.

The translation “चिंतित” (chintit) captures the sense of being worried or anxious.

Here are examples of both senses in Hindi:

  • भरा हुआ (bhara hua):
    • “वह चुनौतियों से भरा हुआ कार्य में सफल रहा।” (He succeeded in a task fraught with challenges.)
  • चिंतित (chintit):
    • “उसे आगामी परीक्षा के बारे में चिंता थी।” (She was fraught with worry about the upcoming exam.)


What does “fraught” mean?

“Fraught” is used to describe a situation or event that is filled with or likely to result in something undesirable or negative. It conveys a sense of tension, difficulty, or anxiety.

How is “fraught” pronounced?

“Fraught” is pronounced as /frɔːt/ or “frawt.”

Can you provide examples of how to use “fraught” in a sentence?

Certainly! Here are some examples:

  • The negotiations were fraught with challenges from the start.
  • Her decision to quit her job was fraught with uncertainty about the future.
  • The relationship between the two countries has been fraught with conflict for decades.
What are some synonyms of “fraught”?

Synonyms of “fraught” include “filled with,” “laden with,” “full of,” and “rife with.”

What are some antonyms of “fraught”?

Antonyms of “fraught” include “empty,” “void,” “devoid of,” and “free from.”

Is “fraught” commonly used in everyday conversation?

While “fraught” is commonly used in written and formal contexts, it may not be as frequently used in everyday conversation. It is more likely to be found in literature, news articles, and formal speeches.