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Irregular Verbs 2

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Irregular Verbs | Past & Present Participle

Welcome, language enthusiasts! Today, we're diving deep into the fascinating world of irregular verbs. Understanding these verb forms might seem daunting, but fear not! We'll unravel the mysteries of irregular verbs, focusing specifically on their past and present participles. What are irregular verbs, you ask? They're the rebels of the verb world, defying the standard rules when it comes to forming past tense and past participles. But worry not! Once you get the hang of them, they'll add flair and nuance to your English communication.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll embark on a journey to:

  1. Grasp the Concept: We’ll demystify irregular verbs, uncovering why they deviate from the norm and how they’re formed.
  1. Master Past Participles: Explore the various forms irregular verbs take in their past participle state, understanding how they differ from regular verbs.
  2.  Navigate Present Participles: Delve into the world of present participles, understanding how irregular verbs transform in the present tense.
  3. Practice Makes Perfect: Engage in exercises and examples to solidify your understanding, ensuring you’re ready to wield irregular verbs confidently.

By the end of our exploration, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge to wield irregular verbs with finesse. Whether you’re aiming to improve your writing, ace an exam, or simply refine your language skills, mastering irregular verbs is an essential step in becoming a fluent English communicator.
So, buckle up and get ready to conquer the irregularities of English verbs, unlocking a whole new dimension of linguistic expression!
Irregular verbs List: irregular verbs can be a bit tricky because they don’t follow the standard rules when it comes to forming their past tense and past participles. Here’s a list of some common irregular verbs, showcasing their base form, past tense, and past participle:

  1.  Begin: began, begun
  2.  Break: broke, broken
  3. Choose: chose, chosen
  4. Do: did, done
  5. Eat: ate, eaten
  6. Go: went, gone
  7. Have: had, had
  8. Know: knew, known
  9. See: saw, seen
  10. Take: took, taken
    These are just a few examples. Irregular verbs vary in how they change from their base form to the past tense and past participle form. The best way to familiarize yourself with them is through practice and exposure to various texts or conversations.

Irregular Verbs

Definition: Irregular verbs are verbs in a language that do not follow the standard pattern for conjugation into the past tense or past participle forms. Unlike regular verbs that typically add “-ed” to form the past tense (e.g., walk -> walked), irregular verbs change their spelling entirely or undergo different modifications to indicate past actions or states.
These irregularities in conjugation can involve changes in the vowel sound, completely different words for past tense and past participle, or sometimes they remain the same across all three forms (base form, past tense, and past participle).

For instance:

  1. Regular Verb (Walk): walk (base), walked (past tense), walked (past participle)
  2. Irregular Verb (Go): go (base), went (past tense), gone (past participle)
    Irregular verbs often require memorization because their past tense and past participle forms do not follow a predictable pattern. Learning these irregular verbs is essential for mastering the language and using verbs accurately in various contexts.
Present Inf. Past Tense   Past Participle Present Participle
To eat Ate Eaten Eating
To fall Fell Fallen Falling
To feed Fed Fed Feeding
To feel Felt Felt Feeling
To fight Fought Fought Fighting
To find Found Found Finding
To flee Fled Fled Fleeing
To fly Flew Flown Flying
To forbear Forbore Forborne Forbearing
To forbid Forbade Forbidden Forbidding
To forecast Forecast(ed) Forecast(ed) Forecasting
To forego Forewent Foregone Foregoing
To foreknow Foreknew Foreknown Foreknowing
To foresee Foresaw Foreseen Foreseeing
To foretell Foretold Foretold Foretelling
To forget Forgot Forgotten Forgetting
To forgive Forgave Forgiven Forgiving
To forsake Forsook Forsaken Forsaking
To forswear Forswore Forsworn Forswearing
To freeze Froze Frozen Freezing
To gainsay Gainsaid Gainsaid Gainsaying
To get Got/gotten Got/gotten Getting
To gird Girt/girded Girt/girded Girding
To give Gave Given Giving
To go Went Gone Going
To grave Graved Graved/graven Graving
To grind Ground Ground Grinding
To grow Grew Grown Growing
To hang Hung/hanged Hung/hanged Hanging
To have Had Had Having
To hear Heard Heard Hearing
To hide Hid Hid/hidden Hiding
To hit Hit Hit Hitting
To hold Held Held Holding
To hurt Hurt Hurt Hurting
To inlay Inlaid Inlaid Inlaying
To keep Kept Kept Keeping
To kneel Knelt/kneeled Knelt/kneeled Kneeling
To knit Knit/knitted Knit/knitted Knitting
To know Knew Known Knowing