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List of 100 Different Colors Name in English

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Are you in search of a comprehensive list containing all the various names of colors in English? I have an extensive collection featuring images of colors alongside their names that you should explore. Take a look at this complete English color name list and enhance your knowledge.

Colors and Their Names

Color, once referred to as colors, is the visual property perceived by humans, corresponding to categories like red, green, blue, and others.

Colors originate from the Spectrum of Light, which encompasses a range of frequencies and wavelengths within the electromagnetic spectrum.

In physics, color categories and the physical specifications of color are linked to objects or materials based on their physical attributes, including light absorption, reflection, or emission spectra.

In straightforward terms, colors appear diverse because of variations in their wavelengths and frequencies. Each color possesses distinct ‘wavelengths’ and ‘frequency.’

Blue, for example, has a shorter wavelength, causing it to scatter and giving the sky its blue appearance.

So, to put it simply, colors in English with longer wavelengths can travel greater distances. Let’s explore all the names of colors in English and find answers to questions like, “What are the 100 colors?”

Types of Colours and Their Names

Colours can be divided into three categories:

  • Three Primary Colors: Blue, Red, and Yellow
  • Three Secondary Colors: Orange, Green, and Violet
  • Six Tertiary Colors: Yellow-Green, Blue-Green, Red-Orange, Yellow-Orange, Blue-Violet, and Red-Violet

100 List of Colors name in English with Image

Here is the compete list of 100 colours name in English:

Sr No. Color Image Color Name HTML Color Codes
1. Green #008000
2. yellow #FFFF00
3. Red #FF0000
4. Blue #0000FF
5. white #FFFFFF
6. pink #FFC0CB
7. brown #808080
8. black #000000
9. Silver #C0C0C0
10. maroon #800000
11. purple #800080
12. gray #808080
13. fuchsia #FF00FF
14. lime #00FF00
15. olive #808000
16. navy #000080
17. teal #008080
18. aqua #00FFFF
19. Alice blue #f0f8ff
20. antique white #faebd7
21. aquamarine #7fffd4
22. azure #f0ffff
23. beige #f5f5dc
24. bisque #ffe4c4
25. blue violet #8a2be2
26. blanched almond #ffebcd
27. brown #a52a2a
28. burlywood #deb887
29. cadet blue #5f9ea0
30. chartreuse #7fff00
31. chocolate #d2691e
32. coral #ff7f50
33. cornflower blue #6495ed
34. cornsilk #fff8dc
35. crimson #dc143c
36. cyan #00ffff
37. dark blue #00008b
38. dark cyan #008b8b
39. dark goldenrod #b8860b
40. dark gray #a9a9a9
41. dark green #006400
42. dark grey #a9a9a9
43. dark khaki #bdb76b
44. dark magenta #8b008b
45. dark olive green #556b2f
46. dark orange #ff8c00
47. dark orchid #9932cc
48. dark red #8b0000
49. dark salmon #e9967a
50. dark sea green #8fbc8f
51. dark slate blue #483d8b
52. dark slate gray #2f4f4f
53. dark turquoise #00ced1
54. dark violet #9400d3
55. deep pink #ff1493
56. deep sky blue #00bfff
57. dim gray #696969
58. blue #1e90ff
59. firebrick #b22222
60. floral white #fffaf0
61. forest green #228b22
62. gainsboro #dcdcdc
63. ghost white #f8f8ff
64. gold #ffd700
65. goldenrod #daa520
66. gray #808080
67. green yellow #adff2f
68. honeydew #f0fff0
69. hot pink #ff69b4
70. Indian red #cd5c5c
71. indigo #4b0082
72. ivory #fffff0
73. khaki #f0e68c
74. lavender #e6e6fa
75. lavender blush #fff0f5
76. lawn green #7cfc00
77. lemon chiffon #fffacd
78. light blue #add8e6
79. light coral #f08080
80. light cyan #e0ffff
81. light golden rod yellow #fafad2
82. light pink #ffb6c1
83. light slate grey #778899
84. light steel blue #b0c4de
85. light yellow #ffffe0
86. lime #00ff00
87. lime green #32cd32
88. linen #faf0e6
89. Navajo white #ffdead
90. olive drab #6b8e23
91. orange #ffa500
92. orange red #ff4500
93. pale golden rod #eee8aa
94. pale green #98fb98
95. pale turquoise #afeeee
96. palevioletred #db7093
97. papaya whip #ffefd5
98. peach puff #ffdab9
99. Peru #cd853f
100. royal blue #4169e1