Are you in search of a comprehensive list containing all the various names of colors in English? I have an extensive collection featuring images of colors alongside their names that you should explore. Take a look at this complete English color name list and enhance your knowledge.
Colors and Their Names
Color, once referred to as colors, is the visual property perceived by humans, corresponding to categories like red, green, blue, and others.
Colors originate from the Spectrum of Light, which encompasses a range of frequencies and wavelengths within the electromagnetic spectrum.
In physics, color categories and the physical specifications of color are linked to objects or materials based on their physical attributes, including light absorption, reflection, or emission spectra.
In straightforward terms, colors appear diverse because of variations in their wavelengths and frequencies. Each color possesses distinct ‘wavelengths’ and ‘frequency.’
Blue, for example, has a shorter wavelength, causing it to scatter and giving the sky its blue appearance.
So, to put it simply, colors in English with longer wavelengths can travel greater distances. Let’s explore all the names of colors in English and find answers to questions like, “What are the 100 colors?”
Types of Colours and Their Names
Colours can be divided into three categories:
- Three Primary Colors: Blue, Red, and Yellow
- Three Secondary Colors: Orange, Green, and Violet
- Six Tertiary Colors: Yellow-Green, Blue-Green, Red-Orange, Yellow-Orange, Blue-Violet, and Red-Violet
100 List of Colors name in English with Image
Here is the compete list of 100 colours name in English:
Sr No. | Color Image | Color Name | HTML Color Codes |
1. | Green | #008000 | |
2. | yellow | #FFFF00 | |
3. | Red | #FF0000 | |
4. | Blue | #0000FF | |
5. | white | #FFFFFF | |
6. | pink | #FFC0CB | |
7. | brown | #808080 | |
8. | black | #000000 | |
9. | Silver | #C0C0C0 | |
10. | maroon | #800000 | |
11. | purple | #800080 | |
12. | gray | #808080 | |
13. | fuchsia | #FF00FF | |
14. | lime | #00FF00 | |
15. | olive | #808000 | |
16. | navy | #000080 | |
17. | teal | #008080 | |
18. | aqua | #00FFFF | |
19. | Alice blue | #f0f8ff | |
20. | antique white | #faebd7 | |
21. | aquamarine | #7fffd4 | |
22. | azure | #f0ffff | |
23. | beige | #f5f5dc | |
24. | bisque | #ffe4c4 | |
25. | blue violet | #8a2be2 | |
26. | blanched almond | #ffebcd | |
27. | brown | #a52a2a | |
28. | burlywood | #deb887 | |
29. | cadet blue | #5f9ea0 | |
30. | chartreuse | #7fff00 | |
31. | chocolate | #d2691e | |
32. | coral | #ff7f50 | |
33. | cornflower blue | #6495ed | |
34. | cornsilk | #fff8dc | |
35. | crimson | #dc143c | |
36. | cyan | #00ffff | |
37. | dark blue | #00008b | |
38. | dark cyan | #008b8b | |
39. | dark goldenrod | #b8860b | |
40. | dark gray | #a9a9a9 | |
41. | dark green | #006400 | |
42. | dark grey | #a9a9a9 | |
43. | dark khaki | #bdb76b | |
44. | dark magenta | #8b008b | |
45. | dark olive green | #556b2f | |
46. | dark orange | #ff8c00 | |
47. | dark orchid | #9932cc | |
48. | dark red | #8b0000 | |
49. | dark salmon | #e9967a | |
50. | dark sea green | #8fbc8f | |
51. | dark slate blue | #483d8b | |
52. | dark slate gray | #2f4f4f | |
53. | dark turquoise | #00ced1 | |
54. | dark violet | #9400d3 | |
55. | deep pink | #ff1493 | |
56. | deep sky blue | #00bfff | |
57. | dim gray | #696969 | |
58. | blue | #1e90ff | |
59. | firebrick | #b22222 | |
60. | floral white | #fffaf0 | |
61. | forest green | #228b22 | |
62. | gainsboro | #dcdcdc | |
63. | ghost white | #f8f8ff | |
64. | gold | #ffd700 | |
65. | goldenrod | #daa520 | |
66. | gray | #808080 | |
67. | green yellow | #adff2f | |
68. | honeydew | #f0fff0 | |
69. | hot pink | #ff69b4 | |
70. | Indian red | #cd5c5c | |
71. | indigo | #4b0082 | |
72. | ivory | #fffff0 | |
73. | khaki | #f0e68c | |
74. | lavender | #e6e6fa | |
75. | lavender blush | #fff0f5 | |
76. | lawn green | #7cfc00 | |
77. | lemon chiffon | #fffacd | |
78. | light blue | #add8e6 | |
79. | light coral | #f08080 | |
80. | light cyan | #e0ffff | |
81. | light golden rod yellow | #fafad2 | |
82. | light pink | #ffb6c1 | |
83. | light slate grey | #778899 | |
84. | light steel blue | #b0c4de | |
85. | light yellow | #ffffe0 | |
86. | lime | #00ff00 | |
87. | lime green | #32cd32 | |
88. | linen | #faf0e6 | |
89. | Navajo white | #ffdead | |
90. | olive drab | #6b8e23 | |
91. | orange | #ffa500 | |
92. | orange red | #ff4500 | |
93. | pale golden rod | #eee8aa | |
94. | pale green | #98fb98 | |
95. | pale turquoise | #afeeee | |
96. | palevioletred | #db7093 | |
97. | papaya whip | #ffefd5 | |
98. | peach puff | #ffdab9 | |
99. | Peru | #cd853f | |
100. | royal blue | #4169e1 |