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preposition grammar diffination of preposition

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Definition of Preposition | Grammar

Preposition is a term employed prior to a noun or pronoun to indicate its connection with other elements in the sentence.

  • The car is beside the garage.
  • The cup is above the saucer.
  • The dog is between the chairs.
  • The keys are beneath the mat.

Correct use of Prepositions: Definition of Preposition

Use of ‘At’: (name of smaller places, target, rate, price, time, temporary action, age)

  • She lives at Bharauli.
  • I live in Ahudi Hat.
  • My sister lives in Buxar.
  • He is at work.
  • She is in a play.
  • He got that book at Rs 50.

Use of ‘In’ (bigger places, phrases, meaning, permanent action, a period of time)

  • We live in India.
  • India is in Asia.
  • She lived in Uttar Pradesh.
  • Mr. Thakur lives in Patna.
  • In the evening.
  • In the morning.
  • In the world.
  • In the hospital.
  • He is in the navy.
  • In a week.

Use of ‘Into’: (Into is used for motion inside anything, medium)

  • The frog fell into the well.
  • He jumped into the river.
  • The robbers broke into my house.
  • Translate into English.
  • Milk turns into curd.
  • Water turns into ice.

Use of ‘On’: (For a surface of a thing, for a particular day or date)

  • There are 5 books on the table.
  • He was carrying a suitcase on his head.
  • The headmaster is sitting on a wheelchair.
  • On Monday.
  • On the same night.
  • On holiday.
  • On television.
  • On the radio.

Use of ‘Between’: (Between is used for two persons or two things)

  • She was sitting between her husband and her father.
  • Divide these mangoes between you and me.
  • Contact us between 7 A.M and 7 P.M.
  • The batsman blew a whistle between the balls.
  • There is a good relationship between each boy and the next.

Use of ‘Among’: (Among is used for more than two persons or things)

  • Divide these mangoes among the children.
  • Among the boys.
  • Amongst our brothers.
  • Among us.

Use of ‘Besides’ and ‘Besides’:

  • Go and sit beside your father.
  • The child was sitting beside the mother.
  • Besides Prity, all of the girls were present in the class.
  • Besides the Ramayana, I have the Gita.
  • Besides Urdu, I know English and Hindi.
  • Besides a book, you have bought a notebook.

Use of ‘Above’: (Above is used for higher than or over)

  • The aeroplane is flying above the cloud.
  • The kites rise above the cloud.
  • There are above 50 students in the class.
  • Mount Everest is 8848 meters above sea level.

Use of ‘Over’: (Above something without touching)

  • The clouds are over our heads.
  • The plane is flying over the town.
  • English is spoken all over the world.
  • Mr. Ganguly is over forty.
  • The college is over at 4 P.M.

Use of ‘Upon’: (Upon is used for things in motion)

  • Once upon a time, Bat and Mongoose were great friends.
  • The lion sprang upon the prey.

Use of ‘Below’: (Below is used for lower than)

  • My father is below seventy.
  • This work is below my dignity.
  • His income is below Rs 5000/- a month.

Use of ‘Under’: (On the ground, lower than (or covered by) something else, less than)

  • The cat is sitting under the chair.
  • A writer is under the publisher.
  • The administration is under the government.
  • She was underage.
  • I have under two hundred rupees.
  • The police arrested the terrorist under the warrant of the court.

Use of ‘Beneath’: (Beneath is used in the place of Under)

  • He was sitting beneath the tree.

Use of ‘Behind’: (Behind is used for “at the back of”)

  • My daughter was hiding behind the door.
  • She was exactly behind me.
  • He has left nothing behind him.
  • Prity Gupta has left her footprints behind me.

Use of ‘By’: (By is used for From, any work done by someone, rate, weight, measurement, during, passive voice, left or right of somebody or something, in the sense of at the latest as well as in Phrases)

  • The child came and sat by her.
  • The child came and sat beside her.
  • Her village is by the river.
  • Her village is beside the river.
  • By cycle.
  • By aeroplane.
  • He goes to college by train.
  • He traveled by night.
  • The boy was bitten by the teacher.
  • Apples are sold by the kilo.
  • This room is 10.ft by 8.ft.
  • Silver is sold by the gram.
  • Prity got a prize by hard work.
  • By order.
  • By cheque.
  • By air.
  • By road.
  • By chance.
  • By god.
  • By mistake.

Use of ‘Of’: (Of is used for From, ‘ka, ke, ki’, about, origin/sources, quality also in some Phrases)

  • She died of fever.
  • I am fond of music.
  • His wife is tired of work.
  • He died of grief. (dukh)
  • He died of COVID-19.
  • Manish is one of my friends.
  • He has heard of that accident.
  • Do you know of me?
  • Pandit Nehru came of a rich family.
  • He died by violence.
  • This is the publication of K.K production.
  • What is the cause of murder?
  • My brother-in-law is weak in understanding.
  • I have eaten one of those apples.
  • Our publisher is a man of principle.
  • I lived in the house of Anand.
  • Chinki is blind of one eye.
  • Full of.
  • Sure of.
  • Short of money.
  • Worth of.

Use of ‘Off’: (Off is used for At a distance from, far from, separation)

  • There was a village a little way off the sea coast.
  • He put off his coat.
  • Switch off the phone.

Use of ’till’ and ‘until’: (till/until is used for Ending time)

  • He works in the company from 7 a.m till 2 p.m.
  • He works in the factory at 6 a.m until 3 p.m.
  • My father-in-law will stay here until next Friday.
  • Her brother-in-law until stay here until next Friday.

Use of ‘In front of’

  • There is a tree in front of my house.
  • There was a beautiful garden.
  • Manoj is standing in front of me in the queue.
  • Aviraj is standing before me in the queue.
  • There were around 50 students in the class.

Use of ‘Around’ and ‘Round’

  • i) Around is used for here there, around us and many places.
  • There were sitting around the garden.
  • We were wandering around the street.
  • Stop walking around and start working.
  • ii) Round is used for surrounding.
  • We were sitting round the table.
  • The earth moves round the sun.
  • The whole world is round.

Use of ‘Amid’ and ‘Amidst’: (Amid/Amidst is used for in the middle of)

  • A beautiful girl was sitting amid/amidst the young.
  • There was a small cottage amid/amidst the building.

Use of ‘Up’ and ‘Down’

  • He got up to ask a question.
  • Prices of articles are still going up.
  • Stop writing; the time is up.
  • Climb up here.
  • Walk down.
PhrasesEnglish meaningHindi meaning
Up and downTo and froIdhar-udhar
On the upFrank, sincere, honestImandar, sacha
Up withTo raiseuthana-ubhadna
  1. The curtain came down after the performance.
  2. Write down your thoughts on paper.
  3. Climb down from the ladder.
  4. She put the baby down for a nap.
Phrase English MeaningHindi meaning
Bent downinclinedJhuka hua
Down to the ground completelyPurn rup se
Down to the present day Up to this dayAaj tak
To get downTo descendUtarna 
To hiss downTo silenceChup karna

Use of ‘Through’:

  1. She found out through a reliable website.
  2. The explorer journeyed through the dense forest.
  3. Can you see through the telescope lens?
  4. They successfully navigated through the complex task.
  5. They faced challenges but pushed through to success.
  6. He stayed with me throughout the entire movie marathon.

Use of ‘Beyond’:

  1. Avoid going beyond the marked boundaries.
  2. There’s a village beyond the last stop on the route.
  3. My uncle has aspirations beyond his current job.

Use of ‘During’:

  1. The sun provides warmth during the cold mornings.
  2. People refrained from talking during the solemn ceremony.
  3. Laughter echoed during the comedy show.
  4. The team discussed strategies during the halftime break.
  5. They faced difficulties during their early years.
  6. Festivities are high during the holiday season.
  7. The temperature drops during the winter months.
  8. She accomplished a lot during her tenure.

Use of ‘Against’:

  1. The workers rebelled against the unjust orders.
  2. One should always stand against injustice.
  3. Rowing against the strong current is challenging.
  4. It’s tough to cycle against the forceful wind.
  5. A ladder leans against the warehouse wall.
  6. She leaned against the sturdy oak tree.
  7. The director has nothing against your performance.

Use of ‘From’:

  1. He arrived from his business trip in Mumbai.
  2. The wind blew gently from the east.
  3. Apples fell from the overladen tree.
  4. The meeting continued from morning to evening.
  5. He will teach the students from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
  6. I’ve known her from my childhood days.
  7. His beloved has been recovering from a fever.
  8. The delicious cheese is made from fresh milk.
  9. Beautiful sculptures are carved from a block of marble.

Use of ‘Across’:

  1. My elder sister lives across the beautiful river.
  2. There were trees spread across the vast landscape.
  3. She wrapped the shawl across her shoulders.
  4. A new bridge connects the two towns across the river.

Use of ‘About’:

  1. She expressed doubts about his credibility.
  2. What do you understand about this complex topic?
  3. It’s about 12 o’clock now.
  4. The college is about six miles away from my house.
  5. Books were scattered about the cluttered office.
  6. A circle is drawn about the central figure.
  7. He is about to embark on a new journey.
  8. The election is about to commence.

Use of ‘Along’:

  1. He strolled along the scenic road.
  2. Versha visited Malaysia along with her travel buddy.

Use of ‘Before’:

  1. She stood before the ornate mirror.
  2. The case was presented before the honorable judge.
  3. The patient had passed away before the doctor arrived.
  4. I usually have a meal before heading to the market.
  5. Breakfast is a must before he comes.

Use of ‘After’:

  1. He returned after a brief absence.
  2. She attends college after 10 a.m.
  3. Sunday naturally follows after Saturday.
  4. April occurs after the month of March.
  5. These poems were penned after the time of William Shakespeare.
  6. Day after day, the routine remains the same.
  7. Village after village passed by during the journey.
  8. After that significant incident, everything changed.
  9. One after another, the students handed in their assignments.

Use of ‘With’:

  1. He writes with passion using a vintage pen.
  2. Slicing the mango with a sharp knife is efficient.
  3. Aviraj traveled to Shimla with his close friend.
  4. A beautiful girl arrived with her dashing lover.
  5. Despite all his wealth, he remains humble.
  6. Despite all his bad habits, he is genuinely good.
  7. The soldiers fought with unwavering courage.
  8. The boys sat in the class with evident patience.
  9. A girl with big blue eyes excelled in her studies.

Use of ‘Without’:

  1. A woman cannot imagine life without a supportive man.
  2. Survival in the desert is impossible without water.
  3. Writing down notes is challenging without a pen.
  4. The world would be dark without the gift of sight.

Use of ‘Within’:

  1. I will complete it within the next hour.
  2. He plans to visit within this calendar month.
  3. Buxar is situated within 5 km of my residence.

Use of ‘Towards’:

  1. He walked towards the university building.
  2. She strolled towards the entrance of the college.
  3. My brother displays kindness towards everyone.
  4. My brother exhibits kindness towards the less fortunate.
Prepositional Phrases Hindi Meaning
According to Ke anusar
At enmity with Dusmani ke bhav ke sath
As to Ke Vishay me
By virtue of Ke aadhar par
By force of Ki madad se
Because of Ke karan
For want to Ke abhav ke karan
For God’s sake Ishwar ke naam par
For fear of Ke bhay se
In honour of Ke samman me
In face of Ke virudh me/ ki upasthiti me
In course of Ke dauran
In connection with Ke sambandh me
In accordance with Ke anukul
In opposition to Ke virudh
In point of Ke vichar se
In order to Ke liye
In the teeth of Visham paristhiti ke bawjood
In view of Ke vichar se
With reference to Ke sambandh me
With respect to Ke sambandh me
On behalf of Kio oor se
On the eve of Ke awsar par
On the score of Ke adhaar par
On the point of Ke karib
At the bottom of Ke jad, nichle star par
At home in nipun
By means of Ke madhyam se
By the side of Ke bagal me
For the purpose of Ke uddeshya se/ke liye
In front of Ke samane
In favour of Ke pachh me
In defence of Ke bachav me
In consequence of Ke parinaam swarup
In cause of Ki stithi me
In spite of Ke baawjood
Instead of Ke badle me
In regard to Ke sambandh me
In the event of Ki stithi me
With regard to Ke sambandh me
On account of Ke karan
On the part of Ke hit me
On the patience of Ke bahane se