Have you ever been curious about the abbreviations used in Indian Railways, such as RLWL, andfound them confusing? Many passengers are puzzled when they encounter these terms, unsure if their tickets will be confirmed. Let’s delve into the meaning behind these abbreviations together understanding how many tickets typically fall under these categories and what the likelihood of confirmation is
What is a Remote Location Waiting List (RLWL)?
The RLWL designation on tickets signifies allocation for intermediate stations, strategically placed between the train’s origin and final destination. These stations typically represent pivotal towns or cities along that specific route.
In the context of the RRB NTPC Exam 2020 and other relevant discussions on ticketing abbreviations like GNWL, RLWL, and their implications, RLWL (Remote Location Waiting List) tickets are specifically allotted for stations positioned between the departure point and the ultimate stop of the train’s journey. GNWL (General Waiting List), conversely, applies to passengers starting their trip from the originating station or its proximate stops. GNWL tickets, being more prevalent, generally hold higher chances of confirmation among various waiting list categories.