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Speaking English Conversation Practice On Asking activities with Exercise

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Engage in English-speaking conversations focusing on various activities. Practice freely with dialogues and exercises designed to enhance your speaking skills. Explore comprehensive discussions centered around inquiries about daily activities within this online platform.
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Speaking English Conversation Practice on Asking about activities

What’s Up? का प्रयोग

  • Conversation A: Asking About Hobbies
  • A: Hey, how have you been spending your free time lately?
  •  B: Pretty good, actually! I’ve picked up a new hobby—photography. What about you?
  • A: Photography sounds fascinating! I’ve been hitting the gym more often, trying to stay active. Do you enjoy it?
  • B: Definitely! Capturing moments is so fulfilling. But working out sounds like a great way to nwind too. What do you usually do at the gym?
  • A: I do a mix of cardio and weightlifting. Helps me de-stress after a long day. What type of photography are you into?
  • B: I’ve been experimenting with landscapes mostly. It’s calming to be out in nature with a camera.
  • Conversation B: Daily Routine Discussion

  • A: How’s your typical day been lately?
  •  B: Well, it starts with some yoga in the morning, followed by a quick breakfast. Then, I head to work. You?
  • A: My mornings usually kick off with a jog. Then, it’s coffee and a hearty breakfast. Work fills up the rest of my day. What about after work?
  • B: I unwind by reading or catching up on a series. It’s a relaxing way to wind down. How about you?
  • A: I tend to cook dinner and spend some time with family. Then, it’s usually a bit of TV before bed. Anything else interesting in your daily routine?

 B: On weekends, I volunteer at the local shelter. It’s a rewarding experience.

Conversation C: Exploring Leisure Activities

  •  A: What sort of leisure activities do you usually enjoy during your downtime?
  •  B: I’m quite the bookworm, so I spend a lot of time reading. What about you?
  •  A: I love outdoor activities, especially hiking and cycling. Any particular genre you prefer?
  •  B: I’m drawn to mystery novels, they keep me hooked. Hiking and cycling sound thrilling; do you have any favorite trails?
  •  A: Absolutely! There’s a beautiful trail by the mountains that I frequent. It’s breathtaking.

Conversation D: Sharing Weekend Plans

  •  A: Got any exciting plans for the upcoming weekend?
  •  B: Yeah, I’m thinking of attending a pottery workshop. What about you?
  • A: I’m planning a barbecue with friends at a nearby park. Pottery sounds intriguing! Have you tried it before?
  •  B: It’ll be my first time! I’m excited to give it a shot. Barbecues are always fun; what do you usually cook?
  •  A: Grilled veggies and marinated chicken are my go-to options. It’s a casual and enjoyable way to spend time outdoors.
    These conversations aim to delve into various leisure activities and plans, offering diverse topics for
    English conversation practice while discussing hobbies and weekend plans.