Unlocking Word Power: Many students often ponder over how to enrich their vocabulary to enhance their spoken English. If you’re seeking the most effective methods to bolster your vocabulary for quicker and more fluent English speaking, you’ve come to the right place.
Hey everyone, in this article, we’ll delve into strategies for boosting your word power. But before we dive in, I want to emphasize the importance of reading the entire article if you aim to improve your English fluency. I’m confident that after reading this, you’ll find it immensely valuable.
In this article, I’ll discuss the renowned book “Word Power Made Easy” by Norman Lewis, an invaluable resource for those aiming to enhance their vocabulary. This book serves as a fundamental guide to the English language and proper word utilization.
I won’t simply copy from this book. Instead, I’ll provide explanations of word meanings in a simplified manner to aid your understanding. It serves as an incredibly effective tool for enhancing vocabulary in English. If you’re interested in purchasing the book, you can do so by clicking here.
Individuals gearing up for exams like CAT, GMAT, GRE, TOEFL, and similar ones can undoubtedly derive significant advantages from this book.
Explanation of Words Power Made Easy Explanation
Egoist: Someone focused on self-advancement, a selfish individual.
Egotist: Someone who believes they are superior, more important, or more talented than others.
Altruist: Someone concerned with the welfare of others, interested in mankind.
Introvert: A reserved person who tends to turn their thoughts inward.
Extrovert: A sociable person who directs their thoughts outward.
Ambivert: Someone who exhibits both introverted and extroverted tendencies.
Misanthrope: Someone who despises humanity, harbors hatred towards mankind.
Misogynist: Someone who hates women or females.
Mysogamist: Someone who detests marriage.
Ascetic: Someone who shuns pleasure and adopts a saintly appearance.
Egocentric: Excessively selfish, prioritizing oneself over others.
Egomaniacal: Extremely selfish or egocentric in behavior.
Altruism: The practice of selfless concern for the well-being of others.
Alternate: Offering another option or choice.
To alternate: To take turns or switch between different options.
To alter: To make changes or modifications.
Alternative: An alternative choice or option.
Alteration: The act of making changes or modifications.
Alter ego: A different version of oneself or a close friend with similar thoughts or feelings.
Altercation: A heated argument or dispute.
Dexterous: Skilled or adept.
Ambidextrous: Capable of using both hands with equal skill.
Sinister: Evil or malevolent.
Gause: Bad or awkward.
Misanthropic: Showing a strong dislike or distrust towards humanity.
Anthropology: The study of human development and culture.
Gynaecology: The medical study and treatment of female diseases.
Monogamy: The practice of having only one spouse.
Bigamy: The act of being married to two people simultaneously.
Misogyny: Hatred or contempt for women.
Polygamy: The practice of having multiple spouses.
Misogamy: Hatred of marriage or the institution of marriage.
Philanthropy: The love of mankind, typically expressed through charitable acts.
Adroitness: Skillfulness or cleverness.
Polygynist: A male with multiple wives.
Polyandrist: A female with multiple husbands.
Anthropologist: Someone who studies the development of mankind and human culture.
Gynaecologist: A doctor specializing in women’s health and reproductive systems.
Philanthropist: Someone who engages in charitable activities or supports worthy causes.
Asceticism: The practice of leading a simple and abstinent life, often associated with religious devotion.
Words related to Science with root words
Gynaecology: The scientific study of the female reproductive system and its associated diseases (Gyne- female, Logy- subject)
Obstetrics: The branch of medical science focused on childbirth and pregnancy (Obstetrix- midwife, Ics- branch of science)
Paediatrics: The branch of medicine dealing with the health and illnesses of infants, children, and adolescents (Paidos- child, Ics- branch of science)
Pedagogue: A teacher who instructs children (Paidos- child, Gogue- leader)
Demagogue: A political leader who seeks support by appealing to emotions and prejudices rather than rationality (Gogue- leader, Demos- people)
Dermatology: The study of the skin and its diseases (Derma- skin, logy- subject)
Taxidermy: The art or process of preparing, stuffing, and mounting the skins of animals for display (Derma- skin)
Hypodermic: Situated or administered under the skin (Hypos-under, Derma- skin)
Epidermic: Relating to the outer layer of the skin (Epi-outer, Derma- skin)
Pachyderm: An animal with thick skin, such as an elephant (Pachy-thick, Derma- skin)
Dermatitis: Inflammation of the skin (Derma-skin, Titis-disease)
Optometrist: A healthcare professional trained to measure vision and prescribe corrective lenses (Opto-eye, Metrist- measurement)
Words related to medical science with root words
Psychology: The scientific study of the human mind and behavior (Psyche- mind, logy- subject)
Psyche: The totality of the human mind, including consciousness, subconsciousness, and unconsciousness (Psyche- mind)
Psychic: Pertaining to the mind or mental processes, often associated with paranormal abilities
Psychopath: An individual with a severe mental disorder characterized by a lack of empathy and antisocial behavior (psycho- mind, Path- disease)
Psychopathy: A mental disorder marked by emotional deficits and antisocial behavior (psycho- mind, path-diseases)
Psychosomatic: Pertaining to physical symptoms caused by mental or emotional factors rather than physical illness (Psycho-mind, soma-body)
Psychoanalysis: A therapeutic approach aimed at exploring unconscious conflicts and desires (Psycho- mind, analysis-process to analyze)
Psychogenic: Originating in the mind or emotions rather than from a physical cause (Psycho-mind, genesis-birth)
Psychotherapy: A form of treatment that involves talking with a therapist to address psychological issues (Psycho-mind, therapy- method of healing)
Words related to Teeth and measures with root words
Orthodontics: Specialist in tooth straightening. (Orthos-straight, Odontos- teeth)
Periodontics: Speciality of the gums. (Peri-around, Odontos- teeth )
Endodontics: Dental speciality involving the pulp and root canal. (Endo- inner, within. Odontos- teeth )
Exodontics: Speciality of tooth extraction. (Exo-out, Odontos- teeth)
Barometer: Instrument that measures atmospheric pressure. (Baro-weight)
Sphygmomanometer: Instrument that measures blood pressure. (Sphygmos-pulse)
Osteopathy: Treatment by pushing and moving bones and muscles. (Osteo-bone, Path- suffering, disease)
Chiropody: Treatment of minor problems of the foot. (Chiro-hand, Podos-foot)
Thermometer: Instrument to measure heat. (Therma- heat)
Octopus: Eight armed sea creature. (Okto- 8, Pous-foot)
Platipus: Mammal with webbed or flat feet. (Platys-flat, Pous-foot)
Podium: Speakers platform. (Podos-foot)
Chiropractic: Treatment by pushing and moving bones in the spine and joints. (Chiro- hand, Practic-practice)
Words related to writing with root words
Chirography: Handwriting. (Chiro- hand, Graph- writing)
Chiromancy: The practice of predicting the future or character traits through palm reading. (Chiro- hand, Mancy- prediction)
Graphology: The study of handwriting, especially for analyzing character traits. (Graph-writing, Logy-suffix of the subject)
Calligraphy: The art of creating beautiful handwriting. (Cally-beauty, Graph-writing)
Cacography: Poor or ugly handwriting. (Caco-bad)
Callipygian: Having attractively shaped buttocks. (Cally-beauty, Pygian-buttock)
Cardiograph: An instrument that records the electrical activity of the heart. (Cardio-heart, Graph-writing)
Photograph: An image captured by a camera using light. (Photo-light, Graph-writing)
Biography: A written account of someone’s life story. (Bio-life, Graph- writing)
Telegraph: An outdated system for transmitting messages over long distances using wires and electrical signals. (Tele-distance, Graph-writing)
Telephone: A device for transmitting sound over long distances. (Tele-distance, Phone-sound)

Word related to older or senior citizens
Senior: An individual who is either older or holds a higher position than another person. (Old-sen, Geria)
Senility: The state of physical and mental decline associated with old age. (Old-sen, Geria)
Senate: A governing body or council typically comprised of older individuals. (Old-sen, Geria)
Senescence: The process or condition of aging or growing old. (Old-sen, Geria, Acence-growing)
Gerontology: The scientific study of the aging process and old age. (Old-sen, Geria)