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I’m dying to + (verb)

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NDRF Full Form With Complete meaning- What is Full Form Of NDRF?

“I’m itching to + (verb)” is an idiomatic phrase that conveys a strong desire or eagerness to do something. This expression follows the structure “I’m dying to” + verb and is commonly employed in informal conversations to denote a keen sense of anticipation or longing.

Below are examples of “I’m dying to + (verb)” along with their meanings and usage:

I’m dying to + (verb)MeaningExample
I’m dying to knowTo have a strong desire to find out“I’m dying to know what happened last night.”
I’m dying to tryTo be eager to experience something new“I’m dying to try the new sushi restaurant.”
I’m dying to seeTo have a strong desire to witness“I’m dying to see the sunset on the beach.”
I’m dying to goTo be extremely eager to visit a place“I’m dying to go to Japan.”
I’m dying to meetTo have a strong desire to meet someone“I’m dying to meet my favorite actor.”
I’m dying to hearTo have a strong desire to listen to“I’m dying to hear their new album.”

The structure of “I’m dying to + (verb)” is straightforward. It begins with the subject (I), followed by the expression “I’m dying to,” and then the base form of the verb. The sentence can be further elaborated with a direct object or a prepositional phrase.

Here are some personalized examples:

  • I’m dying to taste that homemade pie your mom baked.
  • Sarah is dying to explore the new hiking trail in the mountains.
  • Tom and Emily are dying to visit the art museum downtown.
  • We’re dying to hear the band play live at the concert next weekend.
  • You’re dying to try out the new virtual reality game everyone’s talking about.
  • He’s dying to learn how to surf during his vacation in Hawaii